Friday, February 5, 2010


After our visit with Dr. S. yesterday I have decided that Baby A is as stubborn as her mother is impatient. Therefore, we have made no progress on the delivery front. For now, she is staying put.
In the meantime, I thought I would share “Tam’s Top 10 Pregnancy Likes and Dislikes!"

10) Being asked if I am having twins!
9) Round ligament pain
8) Pregnancy induced rash/ dry skin
7) Nausea/ vomiting
6) Pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome
5) Swelling of ankles, feet and hands
4) Waddling/ back pain/ hip pain
3) Not being able to sleep comfortably
2) Sinus congestion
1) Waiting for her to make her Grand Entrance into the world!!!

10) Getting to park in the Expectant Mother parking space
9) Maternity clothes
8) Baby clothes
7) Milkshakes
6) Being pampered by my husband
5) Michael talking to my belly and feeling her respond to him
4) Baby A hiccups
3) Hearing her heart beat
2) Watching her undulate across my belly
1) Knowing I helped create a miracle with the man I love!!!