Friday, June 25, 2010


Our drive to Atlanta was pretty uneventful. We left after work on Friday before Memorial Day. We timed it so that it would be close to Ava’s bedtime and she did sleep most of the way. We arrived in Atlanta a little past midnight and to a house full of anxious family all wanting to see Ava. As we all stood around staring at her she eventually woke up and gave everyone her beautiful smile. Then fortunately for us she went right back to sleep without much fuss!

We had a weekend packed with activities. Michael and his nephew, Ian went rock climbing with friends while “the girls” did a bit of shopping. Grandma bought her a beautiful dress and Aunt Jennifer bought her a new swimsuit. She also gave Ava a multi-colored inchworm. This has become Ava’s favorite toy and she takes it everywhere! There was also some nice downtime when Granddaddy played the banjo for Ava- which is one of her favorite things!

On Sunday we all made the trip to the Georgia Aquarium. We had wanted to see it for some time but never got around to it on previous visits. Aunt Jennifer was super smart to buy the tickets online in advance because the place was packed! Note to self: next time go on a weekday and not a holiday weekend.

The aquarium is divided into four parts with various other educational shows and exhibits. We focused on the four main galleries because we weren’t completely certain how long Ava would last. Cold Water Quest is where we found Baby Beluga. The Beluga Whales were beautiful and Ava was mesmerized! Her little eyes would track them as they swam through the water and rubbed their backs up against the glass.

I thought she would love the penguins the most but she didn’t seem that interested. Although this might have been due to the fact that she was getting quite hungry and close to nap time. When we finally made it to the “Journey with giants” gallery she was sound asleep.

She woke in time to see the beautiful tropical fish in the Tropical Diver gallery. She loved all of the brightly colored fish. We think the yellow and blue one’s were her favorites. We kept referring to them as “Dories” (From Finding Nemo). She seemed to have caught a second wind post nap and was very alert for the River Scout gallery. She loved the “Gator” fish (She obviously has very good taste) and small clawed otters. Interestingly, she also enjoyed the piranha.

By the end of the day, Ava had done quite well. Of course when we headed for the gift shop the only thing Granddaddy wanted to buy was an exit! But he hung in there like a trooper.

Ava really enjoyed meeting her cousin, Ian. He helped feed her, shared his toys with her and even bought her some new stuffed friends! It was a great visit with the family and we can hardly wait to do it again! Check out the pictures from our trip below!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One year ago today...

we found out we were having a baby! We love you, Baby A!!!